Its been a very long time since I wrote but I had my reasons.
1. Topchef abandoned me in an airport last October on the way back to my second home in Northern Europe.
2. I took a hiatus from the Rock for nearly a year and only arrived back in July.
3. August was in the middle and I was way too frazzled to write.
so.....we have ALOT to catch up on.
Lets start from the start shall we???
So I arrived back on my lovely Rock around the 23rd July this year and had about a week of vacation before beginning work...First time in years I got to enjoy Santorini like a tourist and it was fab..
Went for swims in Colombo and Perivolos, lunches in Ammoudi and Vlichada (to psaraki is sheer awesomeness!)
and caught up with friends.
Then as the dreaded month of August loomed, I began work and was surprisingly enjoying it.
Now, before you start to think, what the hell has happened to this our very favourite sarcastic Santo commentator, we haven't gotten to the good part yet!!!!!
There was a new addition to the Ponderosa this year......ze deutsch man and his bonny lass moved in next door. Aha, that can't be too bad???? Yeah right, its like putting Obama in bed with George Bush, the two just don't mix!!!!
So, this deutsch man, while I was on sabbatical from the Rock, took my tv, kitchen utensils and various other bits and pieces. How did he get in you ask? he had the key in order to use my washing machine.....
Anyway, i came back, he begrudgingly gave me most of my things back and went off to sulk cause, lets face it, he's a child in a mans body....
Fast forward a few weeks, he asks me to work morning so he and the lass can celebrate his birthday. No problem, I say, and then am informed not only will I be working from 7am to at least 1:30 but the renovated hotel is reopening the same day and I have to work Reception from 3pm! Plus, the night before, I was working till midnight waiting for an arrival (DAMN YOU PREVILIS FOR ALWAYS BEING LATE)
SO, i took my tired lil' ass to bed straight away only to be awakened by what sounded like a fight outside my house. I assumed it was tourists.......How wrong I was! It was Deutsch man swearing at me for not turning up at his birthday party.....He used a number of expletives that should not be published, just as I hatched various ways to murder him in my mind.
Anyway, what ensued the next few days were arguments and tantrums, on his side not mine! and in the end I decided, ah let it be, he showed himself for the juvenile clown he is.
(As a side note, he is not speaking to me yet again, and for the life of me I can't figure out why!)

So really, apart from that, August was reasonably quiet, apart from a guest asking me where she could take the Metro to Mykonos....REALLY???????????
Ah I almost forgot, there was a full moon BBQ at the Seniorita's, which rocked......alot of beer, alot of meat, alot of drunken chats about True Blood....Im addicted, its like heroin....ya know its bad for ya but you can't help yourself.
And then, all hail, September!!!!!!! It was good, new hotel was full most of the time YAY!!!!! And I was proposed to by a strange middle aged french man who told me he would show me the world, I almost said yes until I spotted him picking his nose by the poolside.....The age I could look past, the bad decorum, not so much.
Hotelier Extraordinaire has hooked up with the Kiwi since beginning of the season........
Canada had a lovely little girl at the beginning of September.....
And everything else has been reasonably quiet.......
So, early September, sitting at the reception, skimming through Facebook (come on, we all do it!), what seemed like a lovely couple come in enquiring about a room. I show them different room types etc and in the end they decide on a Suite.....OK, says I, 3 nights...thats fine. Enjoy your stay.
Next day, arrive at work and the night porter tells me the following.
The couple came back from a night out with another couple. They asked for their room key and then asked if they could rent a second room for their 'friends'. No problem, they take the second room and disappear downstairs. After a while, the porter hears doors opening and shutting and goes to investigate.
What do you think he finds, dear readers????
The wife of the first couple with the husband of the second couple making out in the hallway.....and in hushed whispers, saying, I can't believe we managed to get some time feels like forever since I saw you back in DC at work!!!!
They had planned to have a tryst on vacation with their respective spouses!!!!!!! Now, thats a first!!!!
Anyway, I don't feel my creative flow so good these days and its first time I've written in forever so I hope this post hasn't got you sleeping at your PC!
More to come I hope.......Im trying out Santorini for the winter......

Take care!! ( and wear a sweater at night, its freakin' cold these days)