Its been a while since i last blogged but i was trying to find something interesting to write about.
It seems that a certain tweedle dum and tweedle dee brother coupling are moving ahead with their plans to open their caldera cafe, but the question is, whats these rumours about them oweing money to IKA? If they are up to their eyes in debt, how are they going to pay their rent, let alone open the place without having a clean tax bill?
In other news, one of the island's golden couples has not been seen socialising in quite a long time, bringing the community to ponder.....Have they broke up? Are they anti-social wallflowers??? Is there something we dont know? Well, it seems as though that old adage of familiarity breeds contempt is reaching this once loved up duo but they are working on it. The question is, how hard?
A certain culinary master who left his previous employer high and dry came looking for money the other day 'for making the restaurant busy thanks to his hard work' and was promptly told to go to hell. Bravo! If he really cared about the reputation he had given the place, wouldnt he have shown more love for his food than the hit and miss customers experienced last year...consistency my friend, is the key. and secondly, just cause you decided you didnt want to come back and now are jobless is not your previous bosses left them remember?????
Another Santorini wedding is on the cards for the 6th June, although technically its on a boat but hey, a wedding is a wedding and any reason to celebrate in these times is good enough to shout about! So to the happy couple, all the best for your life together and congratulations!!!!!!
Now, I would like to point out something that may have escaped certain people recently. this is toward those gladly charging 7 euros for a frappe...ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRICKIN MIND????????????????????????????????
I dont know if you watch the news, it doesnt really matter, you would have needed to be in another world to miss it....THERE IS A RECESSION! A GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS!
Dont tell me that your customers are not paying for the coffee but the view....guess what, God made the view and God didnt charge us for it, so how can you justify 7 euros for some nescafe, water and ice??? Oh and some evaporated milk if its 'me gala'
Signomi re paidia, are you off your tiny head??? Is your Nescafe from a Fair Trade farm, handpicked by south American indigenous tribes and lovingly sent in special packs to Santorini on private yachts??? I dont think so.......
Therefore, get your head outta your ass and charge the right price and stop ripping people off........Or i will hand out the 1 euro frappe shakers from the supermarket to all the cruise ship tourists and they can sit on the bench outside Metropoli and look at the caldera FOR FREE!
Friday, 28 May 2010
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Just a thought...................

Its Sunday and while i was looking out over the beautiful landscape of our little island i had a thought. Considering the economic crisis our country is in at the moment, wouldn't it make more sense for people not to bring the country to a standstill with stupid strikes which disrupt the country and only make us look like fools to the international community.
I get that the politicians robbed us for x amount of years but at the same time, didn't we ALLOW them to? I mean, weren't we complacent? We knew it was happening, we just ignored it because WE were ok financially. Now that the walls have come crashing down, we retaliate against a government that was saddled with this situation, when it was the previous administration who had used creative accounting to mask it. Hats off to Mr. Karamanlis, you had us sooo fooled for so long.
So, I am asking all my friends and readers (if i have any :-P ) if you live here on the rock and work here, get on to the media, let them know that Greece is safe. Its still the beautiful place it always was. I am just carrying on the message of a very good 'local' friend of mine....I always give props to my homies! :)
And to the rip-off artists that operate on our little island, i will OUT you! to anybody that will listen, You are not the REAL Santorini. this ain't a threat boys its a promise.....I am compiling a blacklist. You will be on it, your tourist trap excuse of a business will exist no longer on our beautiful island.
Now on to my next point of business, Its a beautiful day on Santorini, warm and sunny (thank god) so if you are not working get your ass to the beach! I know i would if i could.
And finally, a little tidbit of gossip that is a week old but only came to my attention yesterday:
So, some drunk ass Seniora in one of our nightclubs fell on her face from too much alcohol and possibly her crazy dance moves (which resemble an epileptic fit) and knocked into another patron of the same place, the knight in shining glasses who came to help her got a punch in the face! Fair??? I think not, considering the Seniora is well known as a frickin drunk nutcase and trouble maker....I have seen her many a time and wanted to dropkick her like a football just cause she irritates the crap outta me!
Also, Saturday night is when the high school kids go out, so any of the big clubs will be full of mentioned kids. So wait till you have gotten fairly inebriated and its late before going to these places....and if, guys, you find yourself hooking up with a cute little hottie, ask for ID before making your move or else her big Greek Daddy may come and kick your adult ass!
And thats all for this beautiful everybody KALO KYRIAKI!!! FILAKIA!!!!!!!!! (im off to pretend like im doing some work)
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Sun is shining.......Weather is sweet.
My my, how i do like the weather to go back to how its supposed to be! That wind last week was making me look like a banshee. (note to self, when there is a gale force wind, tie your hair back) Also, it would help if i had some personal time to enjoy the good weather but unfortunately my amazing interpersonal skills are required at work for at least 8 hours of my waking life.
So, walking to work today on the main road, which is basically like playing chicken with traffic, I realised something. I know there are no sidewalks here, what i dont get is how cars and buses beep at you when you are as far inside on the road as you can physically be. Not to mention, all the scooters and 4 wheelers for rent taking up half the street so you are forced to walk into the line of traffic. Come on guys, what do you expect me to do? Play hopscotch on your rental motos???? I have now employed my own modus operandi in terms of walking to work. I put in my headphones and listen to my music so i dont hear all the greeks beeping and swearing at me for being in their way.
Sorry dude but if God intended us to have cars he would have given us wheels for legs....Just an opinion. And what the hell do you need an SUV for in Santorini???? Its a teensy island you can drive around in under an hour, i cant really see you using your 4 wheel drive all that much.
Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Asians on the rock? And there total lack of decorum? A friend of mine told me that he is about to lose it, they come into his shop and let wind, as in FART, without any shame or attempt to hide it. That may be acceptable in Seoul, or Tokyo or whatever, but it ain't here, so do it at home in your expensive hotel and not in our shops or we will be forced to invest in Gas Masks, your flatulence is WMD, poisonous and life threatening. Its a wonder Dubya didn't invade your country for terrorism!
OK, so now its time for gossip......
An eastern europian friend and one of the 'locals' has arrived back after a long couple of weeks away from home! Kalos Ertheis!!!!
Our very own Joseph Stalin lookalike celebrates his birthday today, xponia polla and go easy on the alcohol, you ain't 20 anymore!
The Kiwi is waiting for her plumbing to be fixed so she can move into her spiti.......
And thats it for this beautiful Thursday afternoon!!!
Take care......
So, walking to work today on the main road, which is basically like playing chicken with traffic, I realised something. I know there are no sidewalks here, what i dont get is how cars and buses beep at you when you are as far inside on the road as you can physically be. Not to mention, all the scooters and 4 wheelers for rent taking up half the street so you are forced to walk into the line of traffic. Come on guys, what do you expect me to do? Play hopscotch on your rental motos???? I have now employed my own modus operandi in terms of walking to work. I put in my headphones and listen to my music so i dont hear all the greeks beeping and swearing at me for being in their way.
Sorry dude but if God intended us to have cars he would have given us wheels for legs....Just an opinion. And what the hell do you need an SUV for in Santorini???? Its a teensy island you can drive around in under an hour, i cant really see you using your 4 wheel drive all that much.
Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Asians on the rock? And there total lack of decorum? A friend of mine told me that he is about to lose it, they come into his shop and let wind, as in FART, without any shame or attempt to hide it. That may be acceptable in Seoul, or Tokyo or whatever, but it ain't here, so do it at home in your expensive hotel and not in our shops or we will be forced to invest in Gas Masks, your flatulence is WMD, poisonous and life threatening. Its a wonder Dubya didn't invade your country for terrorism!
OK, so now its time for gossip......
An eastern europian friend and one of the 'locals' has arrived back after a long couple of weeks away from home! Kalos Ertheis!!!!
Our very own Joseph Stalin lookalike celebrates his birthday today, xponia polla and go easy on the alcohol, you ain't 20 anymore!
The Kiwi is waiting for her plumbing to be fixed so she can move into her spiti.......
And thats it for this beautiful Thursday afternoon!!!
Take care......
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
The wind dissipates, the cruise ships invade......
Ok, so i know that tourism is our bread and butter on the island but i propose that cruise ship tourists should be given certain rules to follow when arriving into our lovely island....
1. screaming loudly on small streets trying to find your spouse or children when there are about 10 000 other people around is not acceptable.
2. Standing in the middle of our little cobblestone street to look at the 50th donkey souvenir while people on their way to work have to employ army maneuver tactics to pass you.....NOT COOL!
3. If you know you are coming to Santorini, you should have done your research...Namely, fira is built into a CLIFF!!! Therefore, there are loads and loads of steps so stop complaining about em!
4. Ah the dreaded Cable Car......if you know your time of departure, and see other ships in the caldera.....dont wait till the last minute to buy that donkey souvenir or have your cheap lunch, get there at least 45 minutes before or else you will join the cruiser Conga line....hundreds of badly dressed old people waiting to get on the cable car.
5. We ain't in Morocco or Tunisia so bargaining over prices unless its very expensive jewellery isn't worth it....Does it really matter that the plastic donkey (made in china) is 3 euros and not 2.50????? Not exactly a deal breaker people!!!!.
On to my next topic......Fanny Packs!
I know its a fashion statement in Greece, God only knows why Greek men consider it the best accessory after worry beads but lets be look like a dork, a big greasy sweaty sleazy be a MAN........get a man bag, they are all the rage in New York, Milan....every other cool place on the planet!!!! And your cigarettes, worry beads and kinito will be perfectly safe! Not to mention, you still have room for keys, a sweater.....the lunch your mama lovingly made for you before you went to your KOLO DOULEIA!
Gwen and Gavin are somewhere on our lovely island.
Brad and Ang are househunting.......
A certain lovely 'local' couple have made it back after being delayed by the Icelandic dustcloud which disrupted travel services over Northern Europe...
Abramovich's yacht is gone, boo hoo.....not even a sign of the guy on the island.....
But his yacht has now been replaced by a white and navy one.....The question is....WHO IS IT?
RANT OVER! Thanks for reading!
1. screaming loudly on small streets trying to find your spouse or children when there are about 10 000 other people around is not acceptable.
2. Standing in the middle of our little cobblestone street to look at the 50th donkey souvenir while people on their way to work have to employ army maneuver tactics to pass you.....NOT COOL!
3. If you know you are coming to Santorini, you should have done your research...Namely, fira is built into a CLIFF!!! Therefore, there are loads and loads of steps so stop complaining about em!
4. Ah the dreaded Cable Car......if you know your time of departure, and see other ships in the caldera.....dont wait till the last minute to buy that donkey souvenir or have your cheap lunch, get there at least 45 minutes before or else you will join the cruiser Conga line....hundreds of badly dressed old people waiting to get on the cable car.
5. We ain't in Morocco or Tunisia so bargaining over prices unless its very expensive jewellery isn't worth it....Does it really matter that the plastic donkey (made in china) is 3 euros and not 2.50????? Not exactly a deal breaker people!!!!.
On to my next topic......Fanny Packs!
I know its a fashion statement in Greece, God only knows why Greek men consider it the best accessory after worry beads but lets be look like a dork, a big greasy sweaty sleazy be a MAN........get a man bag, they are all the rage in New York, Milan....every other cool place on the planet!!!! And your cigarettes, worry beads and kinito will be perfectly safe! Not to mention, you still have room for keys, a sweater.....the lunch your mama lovingly made for you before you went to your KOLO DOULEIA!
Gwen and Gavin are somewhere on our lovely island.
Brad and Ang are househunting.......
A certain lovely 'local' couple have made it back after being delayed by the Icelandic dustcloud which disrupted travel services over Northern Europe...
Abramovich's yacht is gone, boo hoo.....not even a sign of the guy on the island.....
But his yacht has now been replaced by a white and navy one.....The question is....WHO IS IT?
RANT OVER! Thanks for reading!
Monday, 17 May 2010
Boy its windy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, im sitting here in my little office listening to the wind kick up all around me.....dammit people i thought it was summer already! How wrong was I?
Not to mention, the umbrella at the pool SNAPPED yesterday and the best part of the morning was spent trying to fix it..
My bro, the poor thing, made the mistake of coming out last night....Hit the bar at about 12, left about 2, but not before a certain person had insisted on copious amounts of shots and himself and my bro doing a submarine together...I still dont think bro has gotten over the amount of alcohol his liver is trying to cleanse out of his system. Besides the fact he only slept for about 2 hours before serving breakfasts at work.....Not pleasant!!!
And so onto gossip, or lack of gossip for that matter....What has happened to this place?? it used to be full of drama and juicy bits of island talk...apparently not anymore...
Or maybe im just too old and people dont tell me things anymore.
The only exciting thing is Brangelina were here last week with their international brood of kids....and there is a mysteriously large yacht sitting in the caldera....I think its Abramovich but its yet to be confirmed. thing is, whoever it may be, with this wind they ain't going anywhere in a hurry.....
Anyways......and so it begins.......The Santorini lately blog....Come back soon.....
Not to mention, the umbrella at the pool SNAPPED yesterday and the best part of the morning was spent trying to fix it..
My bro, the poor thing, made the mistake of coming out last night....Hit the bar at about 12, left about 2, but not before a certain person had insisted on copious amounts of shots and himself and my bro doing a submarine together...I still dont think bro has gotten over the amount of alcohol his liver is trying to cleanse out of his system. Besides the fact he only slept for about 2 hours before serving breakfasts at work.....Not pleasant!!!
And so onto gossip, or lack of gossip for that matter....What has happened to this place?? it used to be full of drama and juicy bits of island talk...apparently not anymore...
Or maybe im just too old and people dont tell me things anymore.
The only exciting thing is Brangelina were here last week with their international brood of kids....and there is a mysteriously large yacht sitting in the caldera....I think its Abramovich but its yet to be confirmed. thing is, whoever it may be, with this wind they ain't going anywhere in a hurry.....
Anyways......and so it begins.......The Santorini lately blog....Come back soon.....
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