Saturday, 11 September 2010

Bi-Polar Tourists and me..............

And here I was all optimistic that September was gonna be a good month......
Lo and behold 2 days ago, arrives the craziest mofo tourist I have ever met in my entire life. Lets call her BP as in Bipolar.
She arrived panicky and proceeded to screech her sob story about a crazy travelling mate who she dumped in Athens and had now followed her to Santorini. BP had informed crazy lady 2 they WOULD NOT be meeting here and that she had changed the reservation to a single room. We all still on track here???

So, she arrives, meanwhile CL2 (crazy lady 2) had called here requesting pick up. What ensued was an hour long procedure that Black Ops would have been proud of. I managed to get rid of CL2 and get BP here solo without any drama, or so I thought.

I next spent 2 hours appeasing BP and telling her she was safe. She finally calmed down and went to her room. Phew, thought I, she'll go to sleep and all will be OK......AHA! How naive was I???

Sure enough at 7:45am my cell phone rang. I picked it up sleepily and on the other end came the high pitched screech of BP. She raged about how the staff here were treating her badly, she was afraid of her life that she would be murdered by CL2 somewhere on Santorini etc etc. This phone call went on for 30 minutes and induced a very bad tension headache.......

By the time I got to work at 3, she had calmed down. At first, I thought it was cause she had taken a Valium or Prozac or something but no.
What had caught BP's attention? The arrival of a gentleman with a couple. Its been a day and half since she stuck her claws into this poor unwitting soul and I haven't heard a peep from her.....

And THANK GOD she leaves tomorrow!!!! But, of course, the best part of the story? I overheard her talking about me because noise travels here. This shows how delusional this woman is. A) Oh yeah "atlantis_y2k"s a sweet girl but I think she's got the hots for you. B) I wouldn't get involved with her because she works here and it could cause alot of problems, plus she's greek, we all know how crazy they are!"

Ok, sweetheart, first of all, the guy is old enough to be my father and secondly, I have a hot ass boyfriend who wouldn't touch your crazy ass with a ten foot pole! Yes, dear readers, this woman I have to deal with on a daily basis.......

In other news, Deutschbro was here and hooked up with a celtic maid, according to him, its love....time will tell.

the Brits had a BBQ that I unfortunately missed due to BP and sleeping on my couch with the cat on my lap.

Mother arrives tomorrow for 10 days and is renting a car....WATCH OUT SANTORINI! SHES MOBILE!

21st September sees the arrival of one of our favourite New York couples......see you at the bar for some tequila koukla!

And finally today is a day of remembrance so I feel it only apt to add a quote from one of my favourite authors, Khalil Gibran.

"I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit."

For all those who were lost on this tragic day 9 years ago, you shall not be forgotten, but rather remembered with the love and respect that you deserve.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

All Hail SEPTEMBER...............

In less than a week of September you can already see a marked difference to the island we call home.

The streets have, for the most part, gone back to normality, people are in a friendlier mood and the universe seems to have gone back into alignment.

It seems a large amount of people left the island to attend the U2 concert on Friday night, and according to various tweets and FB status' the concert was particularly magnificent, with Snow Patrol supporting the main act.
Ah, those boys have done me proud (considering I grew up in the same part of Dublin they did). The question is now, are they going to come to Santorini to record their new album as has been reported by the media?? I certainly hope so, would be great to have U2 here for a couple of months.....

So lads, congratulations on yet another unbelievable live truly are awesome!

Also, on Thursday night, there was a BBQ at the Serb's house.....great food, drunk serbians, in the avli of her beautiful house, what better way to kick off this our very favourite of months???

And now, I am going to face something that perhaps will draw certain consternation from certain readers. I have noticed in the last few years that our little island has grown in the number of immigrants working here. No, im not talking about serbians, americans, canadians or polish. Im talking about, the most touchy of subjects, the albanian population of Santorini.
While I have always been an advocate of people having the right to emigrate in order to find work I do have one or two pointers for people from this country to make themselves more integrated.

What upsets me is that they (and i speak generally here) seem to cluster in groups. The ones here on Santorini are all from the same town in Albania, and they don't socialise or try to integrate with the locals, nor do they seem to have any interest in embracing the fact that they are not in albania anymore.

Another thing, they complain constantly about Greece, how awful it is, if they are so unhappy here then why do they stay?

Thirdly, some, not all, are involved in certain criminal enterprises. I won't go into details but the thing is we have enough problems with greek criminals, I dont want you in my country if thats what you are doing.

And finally, I saw a sign for a concert that is going to be in Kotsogiannopoulos soon. Its an albanian singer coming to the island. Ok, i get you have a right to attend a concert of your favourite singer and yes that person may very well be from your country. However, seeing as I accept that, why do you get offended when I play my music in my home (not very loud) but I have to listen to your albanian folk music at FULL VOLUME at the weekend cause all your extended family etc have come by for a visit.

Ok, the last thing was supposed to be the final thing but more pet peeve. STOP PARKING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE, more specifically stop parking outside the entrance to my house....I have a right to be able to come and go as I please and I can't do that if your Lancia is parked right across the entrance.

I have asked politely and been aggressively answered.....We'll see how funny it is when i get the police to tow your damn car......Why the aggressiveness??
To readers, I asked the man who parks his car there if it was possible to park it further down or up because i cant get into my house. I didn't shout or use obscenities, I just asked.....

and what was the reply??? I just finished work and i want to park my car here, because its beside my house. Yeah Ill move it but you have no right to tell me what to do..........

His rudeness threw me for six and i didn't know what to readers, Im going to let you in on a little secret....when i got drunk, i let the air out of one of his tyres....that'll teach him........(im actually quite embarassed by that bad display of behaviour but he deserved it)

Anyway, back to September, the mother arrives next week for 10 days so i see early mornings at the beach and nights out for dinner in the near future..

Topchef bought me the most beautiful dress yesterday so thank you!!!!

And tonight, there is a little soiree at my abode for a few close friends, although there's a rumour abounding about big bottles of mojito mix being brought along, not sure how little or quiet the soiree will become......

Be forewarned, if you live in or around the Firastefani area and hear loud voices in a variety of apologies, its me and my nearest and dearest!!!!!!!!!