I have been having a week of contemplating things in life.......
For instance, if you work for an entire month shouldn't you be entitled to be paid at the end of the month like you were promised by your boss?? I propose an interest be added to salaries to those bosses who always and i mean AlWAYS pay late......If it was a credit card or some other payment they would be subject to a fine right??? So why not add say a 5% surcharge for late payments of salaries?
Another thing, its seems to me that lately i have not been good at my communication skills or maybe what i have been trying to say keeps getting lost in translation.....
Or possibly the people i am trying to communicate with just like to antagonise and ignore me? What part of 'I dont like' is difficult to understand???
I heard on the news the other day about this Russian guy. Apparently this guy, 22 years old, is married and because of his wife's bitching he wanted to commit suicide.....Soooooo He jumped from the window in his apartment on the 5th floor. He sustained no injuries, picked himself back up and walked back to the apartment where his wife bitched at him for trying to kill himself so he threw himself outta the window AGAIN!!! and still sustained no injuries...Either God wants this guy to suffer or his bones are made of steel.....Either way, dont you think a divorce would be an easier course of action??
And considering relationships, I was thinking recently and just because you become a couple, doesnt not become a reason to lose your own individuality......I mean, when you are in a couple you become Her and Him, there never really is him on his own or her on her own, when you speak of the couple or either one of them you always associate them with their partner......its more commonly known as their other half! and therein lies the rub.....If now, these 2 people are halves, then when they were single were they only half then or 1 whole??? Its as if, being single means you are only half a person, but I dont find that true....In order to be a part of a couple shouldn't you already be a whole person on your own and your partner be the person you want to share that 'entirety' of your being with??? Or is it because people believe that we are only truly whole once we have met our partner? Before then, you were just some person lost looking for the rest of themselves to fill them up and therefore a singleton is not a whole person? Very philosophical i know, but it bears thinking about......
And so, on to some news.......
The Southerners celebrated their 19th wedding anniversary last week, so congratulations y'all!
The Kanadaisa is back for a weekend of debauchery from the Big Smoke of Athens so Kalos Oresis koritsi moy......and dont drink too many shots!
Another 'local' is entertaining her mom and sis this week so lets hope they are having a great time on the rock....
Mr. Chef celebrates his birthday on Sunday so Xponia Polla kai polixronos!!!!
And this Monday, the Fraulein is arriving from Germany to spend the summer with her beau!!!!!
Oh, i almost forgot, a big congratulations to the happy Couple, half santorinian half english celebrating their marriage on Sunday....Na zisete paidia!!!!!
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